Let's chat with Joel Allan

Season #1


Patrick speaks with Creative Producer and long-time Festival worker Joel Allan. Joel has been working in the Arts for almost two decades. In that time, he has worked on a butt-load of major Arts Festivals around the country in some way, shape, or form. Currently, Joel is based on Kaurna Yerta (Adelaide) as the Assistant Producer for the Adelaide Cabaret Festival.

In this episode, Patrick and Joel discuss imposter syndrome while battling jobs that place responsibility on your shoulders, intense work cycles, and mental health in the arts. Reflecting on mental health largely in this conversation, just as a heads up, if you are struggling with your mental health, there are some places to reach out for help link below.

Need more producer help?  Download our free five-page Producer Checklist. Created for independent artists and producers. Grab a copy here


Host: Patrick Hayes.

Producer: Laura Milke Garner

Guest: Joel Allan

To find more about Joel see his links below.

WORK: https://cabaret.adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au/

SOCIAL: https://www.instagram.com/joel.theproducer/

PROFESSIONAL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-allan-46461876/

If you are struggling and need someone to talk to here are some links and phone numbers:

The Arts Wellbeing Collective has some great resources.


You can also call :

Support Act Wellbeing Helpline 1800 959 500

Lifeline 13 11 14

beyondblue 1300 224 636

MILKE is the go-to business for learning producing skills in Australia.
To find out more, head to our website www.milke.com.au

This is a MILKE Podcast, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we operate the Wurrundjuri people of the Kulin nation, and with respect to where our Collaborators, Guests, and listeners are, we extend our acknowledgment to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past and present.


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